Chia Britney: Healthy for you?


We’ve seen the infamous Chia Pet for years now, but did you know that ingesting chia seeds might just be really good for you? Move over Creepy Chia Britney, you might be getting replaced. The chia seed has joined the superfood fad list in society as of late, so I thought it would be good to do a little more research. What is so great about the chia seed? Well, it turns out…a lot!

Chia seeds come from the desert plant Salvia hispanica, a member of the mint family. Salvia hispanica seed is often sold under its common name “chia” as well as several trademarked names. Its origin is believed to be in Central America where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet. The seeds of a related plant, Salvia columbariae (golden chia), were used primarily by Native Americans in the southwestern United States.

Chia seeds have recently gained attention as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. They are also an excellent source of fiber at 10 grams per ounce (about 2 tablespoons), and contain protein and minerals including as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. “O” the Oprah Magazine recently “crowned” the chia seed as the best bone builder superfood over flaxseeds, claiming that chia seeds happen to be a better source of calcium over flaxseed, with two tablespoons providing four and a half times the amount of calcium in the same quantity of ground flax. In addition, with nearly 150 percent more phosphorus and more than 100 percent more manganese than flaxseeds, chia seeds get the gold medal for helping to build and maintain strong bones.

Emerging research suggests that including chia seeds as part of a healthy diet may help improve cardiovascular risk factors such as lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. However, it is important to note that there are not many published studies on the health benefits of consuming chia seeds and much of the available information is based on animal studies or human studies with a small number of research participants. As with any health “fad” it is important to do a little research before fully advocating it’s use. In conclusion, I think that chia seeds might be a little more useful for health than for investing in creepy Britney.

Fun fact: Did you know that each single serving of Shakeology contains 500 mg of chia seed AND 200 mg of flaxseed?

*Facts and Information obtained from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website; August 2013 O magazine;



Focus Friday: Oh Look!  There’s a chicken…

 Feeling a little scatterbrained these days (or as a few of my mom friends and I like to explain it, suffering from mom-brain)?  It’s Friday and you are most likely having a hard time staying focused with your tasks.  The weekend is calling your name.  Or, let’s face it if you are like me maybe you just have a hard time staying focused on a regular basis.  I like to “blame” it on the chaos called having children.  Turns out, however, that feeling unfocused for the majority of us is not ADHD, a personality trait, or having “mom-brain.”  Instead, it’s simply a habit, according to writer Camille Noe Pagan in her August Oprah magazine article titled “Focus!.”  She points to four tiny lifestyle tweaks to help you regain your focus: swap caffeine for cardio, drink more water, get serious about shut-eye, and wiggle your toes.  Sounds relatively simple, right?  Let’s expand a little.

Swap caffeine for cardio.  WHAT?  Give up my daily latte (or in my case a beautiful cup of Earl Grey tea)?  Why would I want to go for a run, when I could just switch on my Keurig and fill up my cup?  Well, according to Charles Folk, PhD, director of the cognitive science program at Villanova University, if you rely on triple lattes to pay attention, you’ll likely find it harder to focus when you’re not buzzed and your brain will begin to operate as though it requires caffeine to be alert.  He points out that physical activity has been shown to sharpen focus, in people with ADHD and without, possibly because it can help trigger the release of chemicals in the brain that are thought to affect learning and memory.  I’m not sure that I will totally give up my cup of joyful tea every once in awhile.  However, the cardio and physical activity is something I CAN do.  So can you!

Water, high quality H20, hydration for the soul.  It’s a beautiful thing.  The article (and mounds and mounds of scientific studies) will agree.  Pagan writes “[a] 2012 study in The Journal of Nutrition found that mild dehydration (so subtle that you don’t really feel it) can lead to inattention…Thirst is not the best measure of hydration, so a decrease in your ability to focus is an early warning signal that it’s time to drink up.”  I know that I am not great at drinking the appropriate amount of water everyday.  It is recommended that you take your body weight, divide it in half, and drink that many ounces of water each day.  It might seem like a lot of water, but just fill up a bottle that has the ounces marked on the side and make it your best friend everyday!

Sleep, oh glorious sleep.  I can speak for most moms out there that wish for the ability to get more sleep.  Sometimes it just isn’t possible due to little angels that feel the need to check out the dark nights sky instead of closing their eyes for a full 8 hours.  However, the “Focus!” article discusses the importance of trying to get more sleep if you want to be more attentive.  Vatsal G. Thakkar, MD, writes “the inability to concentrate is often caused by a lack of delta sleep (the slow-wave stage that precedes REM sleep when the brain powers down).  If you’re regularly dipping below seven hours, you’re likely cutting in to the delta phase, and this can make it difficult to focus when you’re awake.” If the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep for at least two weeks to improve concentration are not possible, it would probably be best to at least try.

            When I read the wiggle your toes headline, I was like “what?  Why would I wiggle my toes to help me focus?”  I didn’t get it.  I read on a little further, and the author talks about how people often have a hard time holding a conversation due to technological nature of our society.  “The frenetic nature of our society–constant updates via e-mail and Twitter, for example–provides some sort of excitement every few minutes, and we’ve become trained to expect that.  If we’re not stimulated after a short period of time, we look around for something that will do the job.”  To be a more attentive listener when holding a conversation, it is suggested to take a moment to focus your attention on your toes.  This mindfulness trick will instantly bring you back to the present.  Who knew?  If you see me wiggling my toes when I’m talking to you, don’t be offended.  I’m just trying to stop the hamster wheel inside of my head from spinning!

            I especially needed this advice today, because I have had a lot of “mom-brain” moments over the last few weeks.  So, I think I will skip the cup of tea I am REALLY wanting this afternoon, pop in one of my Focus T25 workout DVDs (very fitting name…coincidence?  I think not.), fill up my best friend the water bottle, look forward to a full nights sleep, and remember to wiggle my toes when talking to my husband about tractors (hehe).  Happy Focus Friday!!


Pagan, Camille N. 2013, August.  “Focus!.”  O: The Oprah Magazine. Volume 14: 8.

Paying It Forward

It’s not perfectly edited or professionally practiced, but I did it. I finally made my first video. I stepped out of my introverted self for just a moment to share with you my “why” for going on this fitness/nutrition journey. I figure there is only one way to make change sometimes…stepping outside of your comfort zone. Surprisingly, I didn’t hate it. In fact, it felt great to get it out there. Have you been avoiding something because you were too nervous about it? Just take the leap. You might surprise yourself, too!

Movement Monday: Read and Dance!!

Movement Monday: Read and Dance!!

Looking for a fun new way to entertain your children? It really isn’t a “new” concept, but just might be a fun new idea to incorporate into your family life (or for those days where your kiddos are whining “Mom, I’m bored!!!”) In my pre-ballet class, I have truly enjoyed reading books to the class where we can learn dance moves that correspond with the plot. I came across this concept on the Maria’s Movers blog in a segment she calls Picture Books and Pirouettes.

Living in a small agricultural community, it only made sense for me to read Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton today. We got to stomp our feet, bow to cows, make animal sounds, trot like turkeys, and swing with a partner (to name a few). I had so much fun watching the girls interact with the words and turn them into sounds and actions. They got to release some energy, use their imaginations, and learn about teamwork for the partner dancing section (believe me, there was a lot of room for improvement with this section…getting 3-6 year olds to hook arms with a friend and dance around in circles is harder than it sounds..hehe).

So, if you hear “Mom, I’m bored”, you are with a child that needs to get some wiggles out, or you just want to do something that is plain ol’ FUN, grab a book that the listeners can interact with and get them MOVING.

Foam Rolling 101

Foam Rolling 101IMG_0489

Foam rolling seems to be a big hit as of late, so I thought it would be interesting to share some info with you. I had never really heard much of it until I attended a volleyball coaching clinic a few months ago at Montana State University. They had a session with one of the university’s athletic trainers that happened to focus on foam rolling. The volleyball team uses foam rolling exercises daily throughout the season to help alleviate muscle aches and pains, and to help prevent injuries. For this post, I asked my fellow Beachbody Coach Kari Berg Marks to share her video on Foam Rolling that she created for a fitness challenge group that I was a part of. It is not a staged, professional video that delves into the science of foam rolling. That is why I love it! I love the fact that she kept it real for us. She’s rocking the yoga pants in her living room on Christmas Day. A real person just getting her foam roll on 🙂 (click on the “Foam Rolling 101” red link below my picture to find the video)

According to, some of the most common benefits of foam rolling include:
•Helps prevent common injuries. One of the most important reasons for a regular foam-rolling routine is to prevent those often too common exercise-related injuries. Many runners, for example, become painfully well acquainted with their IT band if they don’t take care to massage the band of tissue. IT band syndrome and other similar flare-ups can be caused by too-tight muscles. Foam rolling every day ensures you are massaging away fascia buildup in your muscles, in order to help prevent those areas from becoming injury trigger points.
•Helps you de-stress. Had a hard day? Foam roll your worries away by releasing muscle tension
•Keeps you flexible. Building up your flexibility is key for any fitness routine. Stretches that lengthen your hip flexors, for example, can help combat tightness from sitting as well as lower back pain.

I got to break in my new foam roller yesterday as I was wallowing in soreness after an all-day fitness class training. Let me just say…it is a beautiful kind of pain. Hurts while you are doing it, but I feel oh so much better!! Give it a whirl…

Ballet…in Wilsall? Wilsall?

Yes. You heard it right! You don’t have to drive to the big “city” to send your young child to ballet class anymore. I am so excited to get the chance to share the love and grace of ballet again. Here are the details:
*Pre-ballet/Creative Movement
*Start Date: Monday, May 13th
*10-10:45 a.m.
*Wilsall Dance Hall
*8 week session for $65 (add $40 for an adorable complete dance outfit)
*Ages: 3-6
*Please sign up by Wednesday, May 8th if you wish to purchase the dance attire and get it in time for the first class.
*Inquiries: Contact me, Callee Peebles at, 406-578-2285, or find me on Facebook under “Root Strength Fitness”

Reality…Hurricane Peebles

Hurricane Peebles

Ever have one of those days where you just want to sit on the couch and feel sorry for yourself? No. Well I don’t believe you. What is this picture of, you might be asking? My living room. Three days ago. This snapshot is a good depiction of what I like to call Hurricane Peebles. Like a storm had swept through (in the form of a two year old, six month old, 28 year old, cooking for brandings, etc.) and left a large pile of destruction. I am not embarrassed by this picture, because it was my reality at the time…a few episodes away from TLC’s Hoarding: Buried Alive. Ok. Maybe not THAT bad.

Social media is great for depicting the beauty in everybody’s lives…but sometimes it just isn’t the truth. So, here it is. My life isn’t always roses and sunshine. I get overwhelmed by the piles and piles of things to do. What did I do about this mess three days ago? Honestly, I sat on the couch for a few hours holding my baby boy feeling sorry for myself. I just didn’t know where to begin. I felt paralyzed. My kids are my pride and joy don’t get me wrong, but sometimes it is SO hard to feel like I get anything accomplished. A couple more hours passed and it was time for me to head into town to lead a fitness class. I found myself complaining to a friend about how I had to buy Fruit Loops and milk for my hubby because he was nice enough to watch the kiddos for me while I had some “me” time. I was DREADING coming back home to the mess I left behind, a reminder of all that I still had to do. All of the negativity and self-pity I had felt all day was completely erased when I walked into the living room as my husband was vacuuming the floors, a scented candle lit; both kids had taken a bath and they were smiling and laughing. Having one clean space was all it took to lift my bad attitude towards cleaning the rest of the house, towards dreading the to-do list. One amazing gesture from my husband let me have a sigh of relief. I’m not going to be featured on Hoarding: Buried Alive after all. My children are happy and healthy. I just had two awesome hours of working out. Life was looking up, as it should.

The mess in my living room is a great life lesson. There is always going to be a to-do list. Daily life is always going to bring messes. In the big scheme of things, it really isn’t the end of the world if the living room is a mess. There are much larger concerns in this life. Instead of becoming paralyzed by the to-do list in front of you, the work out you are trying to talk yourself out of, or the obstacles placed in your way, remind yourself that all it takes is one step in the right direction. Start with one little pile of stuff that is bugging you. Put your running shoes on and step outside. Let others give you a positive push. Don’t let the Hurricane bring you down!

Paying homage to my fitness inspiration!

Paying homage to my fitness inspiration!

Today was my beautiful mother’s birthday and I thought what better way to celebrate her special day than to reflect upon the influence that she has had on my life. Now, she is probably not going to appreciate me sharing pictures like this or bragging about her online, because she does not like the attention being on her. But, it is about time that someone proclaimed what a STUD she really is. Not sure that stud is the right word for a woman, but I don’t care. She IS a stud. She rocks. Let me tell you why I think so. The list of things that she has accomplished when it comes to fitness, sports and active living is LONG. To name a few: started ballet in college and went on to perform and teach for many years, ski and snowboard instructor, ran the Salt Lake Olympic torch in Big Sky for a stretch, surfing, paddle boarding, weightlifting and fitness competitions, bicycling, swimming, running, even truck pulling!! My mother is not afraid to try new things and accomplish new feats. She does not care that people think she might be crazy for doing so (sometimes me included!). She decided to do a body building competition after raising three children, set her mind to it and ended competing in two! On our annual trip to Glacier National Park, it is not unusual for her to ride her bicycle to the top of Going to the Sun highway and back to the hotel before anyone wakes up for the day. After having double feet surgery, she was dreaming up ways to keep her upper body in shape. She went back to work the day after having pins put in her wrist. The point of me sharing all of this, you might ask? She is one of my greatest inspirations. She doesn’t back down. She is strong, even when she doesn’t know it. If I can accomplish even half of what she has done in her lifetime, I am a blessed and lucky person. Happy Birthday MOM!!!

Why Me?

Instead of making a bucket list of all of the reasons why I would be qualified to give fitness and health advice, I would rather fill you in on what I am NOT.  

I am NOT:

  • A health or fitness professional or expert.  I do not have a doctorate degree in human anatomy. I do not have a thesis published in any fitness journals.  I AM just like you, using my experience and knowledge gained throughout life.
  • The “perfect” body type, because there isn’t such a thing.  I think we all know that Barbie anatomy is realistically not possible.  I AM all about self-empowerment and being in the best shape and health possible for YOU.  Humans were created to be unique for a reason.  Embrace YOU!
  • A dietician.  For any of you that really know me, you are probably laughing at the idea of me giving diet advice.  I have always been about as Plain Jane as a person can get with food.  Fruits and vegetables have never been my thing.  I AM, however, making daily changes to improve my diet and health.   Shakeology and Beachbody have completely transformed several ways  in which I used to view food.
  • At my fitness destination.  Fitness is a journey, unique to each of us.  The beauty of fitness is that it can be ever-changing.  You can set new goals and higher goals all of the time.  You can challenge yourself to do things that you never thought possible.  You just have to be willing to TRY.   I hope to help you along your fitness journey in whatever way I can by providing support, opportunities, challenges, and inspiration. 

DON’T RUN…from your fears


Yes.  That’s right.  I told you not to run…but only in a metaphorical way.  You really SHOULD run, or walk, or jump, or skip, or do burpees.  Whatever floats your boat, right?  Aside from being told to not run, you might also be wondering what in the heck is Root Strength Fitness?  Well, keep on reading for a little bit of insight.


I decided to START chasing some of my dreams and STOP running from fears, one of which includes the fear of being misunderstood.  I grew up in the world of ranching and farming, experienced the ups and downs of rural America, and I’ve always felt a little bit of a “foreigner” in my own life, possibly a “city girl” at heart that doesn’t really want to live in a city.  I do not like cow poop.  I do not like stumbling upon a cow’s afterbirth that our dog proudly drug home (a.k.a. our front yard) after a hard day’s work with my stud of a rancher husband.  I feel sad for the calves as they get branded every spring, even though I know it is a necessity.  I do not like the smell of boiling elk skulls.  However, I do have to admit that the sight of my husband and his friend in their college days clad in tightie whities, aviator sunglasses and cowboy boots boiling elk skulls in their backyard was quite PRICELESS.  Story for another time I guess! 


Why am I telling you that I do not like cow poop, afterbirth, and the smell of boiling skulls (I am sure that most people probably don’t find those things to be pleasant)?  I have come to realize that not “liking” such things is holding me back from so many things in life. I often get caught up in thinking about the downside to things, the fears, the judgments that people might be making, instead of finding the silver lining and PUSHING myself to try new things, to be in control of my destiny…chasing my dreams, instead of running from fears. 


It was during recent a Beachbody health and fitness challenge, with the encouragement of Independent Beachbody coach and friend Kari Marks, that these reflections gave me the boost of encouragement I needed to follow a dream…the launch of Root Strength Fitness, and my beginning as an Independent Team Beachbody Coach.  I’ve decided to follow one of my dreams of helping people through the gift of health and fitness, both things that have hugely impacted my life in a positive way.  I hope you will share this journey with me.  Stay tuned for more to come!